Ferg Lab


Dr. Laura Ferguson

  • Position: Assistant Professor, Acadia University
  • Office: Room 335, Biology Building

I am an integrative biologist interested in how host-microbe interactions shape insect resilience in our changing world. I focus on both host-pathogen encounters as well as insect relationships with their microbiomes. Our lab has a particular interest in the winter biology and temperature-dependence of these interactions. Currently we are focused on mosquitoes and ticks, working towards understanding how their ability to resist and transmit disease will shift with climate change.

You can contact me at laura.ferguson@acadiau.ca

You can find me in the Biology Building (33 Westwood Avenue) room 335

Nolan Boyd

  • Position: MSc Student

I joined Dr. Ferguson’s lab in 2023 to complete my Master’s thesis after graduating from Acadia university with a BSc in Environmental Science. Currently, I am collecting mosquito samples all around New Brunswick as part of our mosquito species monitoring project. I am interested in the overwintering habits of mosquitoes, specifically species overwintering in storm drain catchments. When I am not collecting mosquitoes, I am usually getting bit by them while hiking, flyfishing, or kayaking.

Gemma Rawson

  • Position: MSc Student

I am a graduate student in Dr. Ferguson’s lab. The mosquito team and I are currently monitoring mosquito species throughout New Brunswick, P.E.I., and Nova Scotia. I’m specifically interested in analyzing what arboviruses are present throughout our mosquito species in the Maritimes and their proximity to humans. I’m also passionate about entomology. In my free time you can often find me stopping randomly on sidewalks and hiking trails checking out our lovely insect friends.

Mia Lauzon

  • Position: MSc student

Hi everyone! I am a Master’s student in Dr. Ferguson’s lab. My research focuses on how the causative agent of Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi) affects the winter physiology of the black-legged tick, Ixodes scapularis. This work will help determine why B. burgdorferi infection may enhance overwintering survival, and improve our ability to predict the prevalence and infection risk associated with ticks in Canada. Outside the lab, I enjoy staying active and reading!

April Sharpe

  • Position: Honours Student

I am a 4th year biology student here at Acadia University who it currently completing my Honours in Dr. Ferguson’s lab. My research focuses on the cold tolerance of mosquito larvae and adults after the ingestion of microplastics. As such, you can often find me around town collecting mosquito larvae in the best stagnant water pools (please feel free to come say hi!)

Lili Ricker

  • Position: Honours student

Hello! My name is Lili Ricker and I’m currently entering my fourth year of my undergraduate degree in biology at Acadia University. For my honours research I am actively participating in mosquito surveillance around NB, NS, and PEI. My portion of this project largely focuses on creating an effective way of sustaining mosquito surveillance by implementing public science. After I graduate from Acadia, I plan to continue my studies to obtain a masters degree in Forensic science. My ultimate career goal is to one day become a forensic DNA analyst where I can apply my love for biology and science into helping the community to the best of my abilities.

Andie McKee

  • Position: Honours student

I'm a 4th year biology major at Acadia. I am currently working on my Honours in Dr. Ferguson's lab as well as Acadia's co-op program. My research topic is about cold tolerance of mosquito larvae and adults in conjuncture with microplastics ingestion. I am also double minoring in History and English. I'm very interested in working with aquatic habitats and insect identification.

Maddy MacNeil

  • Position: Research Topics student
  • Position (former): Summer Field Technician

Maddy is a Research Topics student working between the Smith and Ferguson labs and will start her Honours in May 2025 investigating whether parasites that develop in the Malpighian tubules of mosquitoes affect the function of this organ. Maddy has previously worked as a summer field technician in the Ferguson lab.

Sammy Stockdale

  • Position: Research Topics

Sammy is a second-term Research Topics student studying cold tolerance in Laricobius beetles that will be used to help control hemlock woolly adelgid in Nova Scotia. Sammy will start her MSc on this topic with the Hillier and Ferguson labs in May 2025!

Lab Alumni

Emma Rand

  • Position: Research Technician, AAFC
  • Lab Position (former): MSc Student

Taylor Swanburg

  • Position: Molecular Biology Technician, Canadian Forestry Services
  • Lab position (former): MSc Student

Alina Rutherford

  • Position: soon-to-be BScH in the Shutler lab
  • Lab position (former): Field technician

Aerin Hackett

  • Position: Research Topics student

Emma McNeil

  • Position: Research Topics student

Maddy Leblanc

  • Position: Research Topics student

Emily Bacon

  • Lab position (former): Honours Student

Connor Smith

  • Position: Research Assistant

Jorja Thomas

  • Lab position (former): Research Topics

Scotia Broome

  • Lab position (former): Research Topics

Dr. Luis Anholeto

  • Lab position (former): Postdoctoral fellow
  • Position: Postdoctoral fellow